Policy Programmes
Programme (1): Director of Bureau's Office
This Programme is aimed to ensure the smooth operation of the Office of the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury. The Office of the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury is responsible for providing support to the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury in undertaking political work. This includes the support provided by the Under Secretary and the Political Assistant. The Office is also responsible for providing administrative support to the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury in carrying out his duties. The work includes the planning, co-ordination and implementation of all arrangements for the Secretary's public, media and community functions.
Programme (2): Revenue and Financial Control
The Treasury Branch aims to manage the allocation of resources, oversee the Government's tax and other revenue-raising policies, facilitate decisions on government investments, and promote open, fair and competitive tendering, in line with prudent financial management principles and other policy objectives of the Government.
The Treasury Branch's work under this programme is to formulate, co-ordinate and implement policies and actions to:
- ensure that the growth of government expenditure over time is in line with the growth rate of the economy;
- ensure that the resources available are directed towards those areas where they will be of most benefit to the community;
- promote value for money in the delivery of government services;
- improve Hong Kong's competitiveness and living environment by investing in major infrastructure projects;
- maintain a low, simple and predictable tax system which encourages investment and enterprise;
- combat tax evasion and minimise opportunities for tax avoidance;
- raise sufficient revenue to cover our spending commitments; and
- maintain adequate fiscal reserves to provide for unfunded liabilities and commitments as well as to serve as a cushion against future uncertainties.
Programme (3): Service Departments
This Programme is aimed to ensure that government departments receive the central support services necessary to enable them to maintain and upgrade the level and quality of the services they provide to the public in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
The Treasury Branch's work under this programme is to formulate and co-ordinate policies and actions to:
- ensure the efficient and cost-effective delivery of central support services under its purview (i.e. financial information management, procurement, supplies management, land transport, printing and accommodation); and
- ensure that the service departments under its purview provide quality support services to meet the needs of the user bureaux and departments.