Application for Access to Information
Our Access to Information Officers
The Treasury Branch of the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau has designated Treasury Officer (Branch Management) as the Access to Information Officer who is responsible for ensuring that requests for access to information under the Code on Access to Information are properly dealt with in accordance with the specified procedures.
Application form
Requests for information or records held by the Branch may be made by letter or application form. The application form (PDF)(Word) can be downloaded in this homepage or obtained by fax (please call the Branch's Enquiry Hotline at 2810 3824 for the form).
The completed application form should be sent to :
By Post
Access to Information Officer
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (The Treasury Branch)
24/F, Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue
Hong Kong
By Fax
Fax no. : 2869 4531
By Email
With application form as attachment to :
Personal Data
If the request involves personal information, please refer to the Statement of the Treasury Branch's Policies and Practices in relation to Personal Data Privacy for the main types of personal data held by the Branch and the application procedures.
Services Charges
Other than publications which are available free of charge, or at the cost specified, a fee of HK$1.10 or HK$1.20 per photocopy will be levied on documents provided in black and white on A3 or A4 size paper respectively with or without enlarging.
For enquiries, please call 2810 3824 during office hours.