The Finance Bureau
Circular Memorandum (FBCM) No. 17/2000 issued on 21 July 2000 announced,
amongst other things, the widened scope and eligibility for the use
of the "Save & Invest Account". As a result of this liberalization
to the ambit for withdrawing funds from this account by Controlling
Officers, we have received very encouraging and positive feedback. It has been about
six months since the implementation of the liberalization and enhancement
measures to provide bureaux and departments with an enabling environment
for application of withdrawing funds from the "Save & Invest
Account". The number of applications received had increased quite
substantially since then. For the 12 months period starting from the
first introduction of the "Save & Invest Account" to the
date before the publication of the FBCM No. 17/2000, we have received
16 withdrawals from 14 bureaux / departments amounting to $16 million
in total. Subsequent to the publication of the FBCM No. 17/2000 announcing
the liberalization, we have received 24 withdrawals from 19 bureaux
/ departments amounting to $28 million in total. The total balance available
for withdrawal amounted to $530 million. We quote in the
following 2 cases of withdrawals approved since the publication of the
FBCM 17/2000 for information. One demonstrating withdrawal from the
Save & Invest Account to meet expenditure under the liberalized
ambit of widened scope and eligibility, and the other demonstrating
the advantage of the Save & Invest Account allowing Controlling
Officers the flexibility to draw on their savings to meet their own
expenditure priorities. They should be interesting references for other
Controlling Officers. Case No. 1
A note of reminder, the balances credited into the "Save & Invest Account" are valid for three years from the date of credit. That is, savings credited in 1998-99 would lapse on 31 March 2002. |